Thursday, March 3, 2011
Deathknell was a Huge Success, Thank-You!
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1:34 PM
So the Deathknell event was amazing, my guild and I were so happy to get a chance to roleplay with you guys. We had about fifty people show up, and we went for two hours not including the hour of set up we did beforehand. The time flew by, I couldn't believe it when I checked my clock. I adore this event because it manages to accomplish so much; we gave out a lot of free items, let people see the roleplay in our guild, and try out the Forsaken to see how much fun they can be. It was so cool to look over the zone and see all those corpses shambling everywhere, it made for a great in-character atmosphere.
I was astonished by the organization of my guildmates and how well they communicated with each other in the midst of all the madness. There was huge throngs of people at the high points of the evening, with and so many people posting it was very hard to keep track of everything. They had their quests planed days in advance, their macros made, and were great about directing players to each other and making sure no one missed out on anything.
The people we had join us were awesome as well. I saw a lot of high level Forsaken that came to roleplay along with some awesome characters people made just for the event. Everyone was very respectful and we only had two non-Forsaken crash the party, but they left when they were asked. We also got some glowing compliments afterwards; more than once someone told us that it was the best event they had seen since coming to the server. More after the break.
In case anyone missed me, I was the Rouge in bloodfang handing out steam tonk controllers and awarding five gold to the characters that were able to beat me in a duel. I lost four times, which isn't bad for me. Genavie would then lecture the freshly risen about how even though they were dead they still needed money, and recommend engineering as a profession. She'd also speak to them about the clockwork contraptions made by engineers, saying they bear a likeness to the Forsaken. Since they're both animated but don't have the glow of life about them.
The other quests really blew me away. There was an escort, one of our Death Knights's ghouls had run off with his arm and the freshly risen had to assist him as he looked for it – either the arm or the ghoul. I saw one of our shadow Priests giving out class glyphs after players listened to a lecture about who Sylvanas was and swore loyalty to her. I have to hand it to people for being both interactive quest givers and giving people an opportunity to develop their characters so effectively.
The livestream of the event went well, I was shocked people actually tuned in to watch. We had about fifteen people and I streamed for an hour. I didn't talk the whole time, but I got a lot of questions about the event and the guild via the livestream chat. I'm interested in livestreaming, but I don't think roleplay events are really the right way to go about it – they're just too text based. I had a do a lot of learning on the fly, and I am eternally grateful to my guildmates who told me how to zoom the camera in and out when the chat requested it.
I think the most memorable thing for me is the fact that I actually got a three day ban from the official WoW boards for advertising the event on the realm forums for other roleplay servers. Thankfully I e-mailed Blizzard and they repealed it. (They thought I was advertising my guild.) Every post I've ever made before then is deleted forever though, which is a shame because I'd spent a lot of time on my realm forums offering people lore advice and constructive feedback where I could.
What made it memorable for me was seeing a lot of my guildmates and WoW friends help me out for the day I couldn't post. The re-created and bumped the threads I had made, posted about the event on off-site on twitter accounts for other roleplay realms they knew of, gave me the Blizzard e-mail address to ask for my ban to be repealed, and were just so supportive and awesome when I was feeling down about the whole thing.
All and all, the Deathknell was well worth the month of preparation, and we'll be doing it again soon.
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Me and my pointy hat had an epic time!
ReplyDeleteStay Crispy!
Loved directing people around in General chat. ^^