Monday, January 31, 2011

My First Shadow Sermon

I've been in a massive creative drought lately, so as much as I would like to post original content hot off the press, I'm stuck with digging up something old of mine and posting it.

After the break is the log of the first public Forsaken only event I ever hosted. It was Shadow sermon and I consider it to have been very successful. We had some great speakers (some of which regretfully aren't around anymore) and everyone who came was very respectful. We wound up with a crowd of about thirty deaders, and they gave us some beautiful reactions, however I've had to cut them out to keep the size of the log reasonable.

[My character] Darila: Greetings, brothers and sisters of the Forsaken. The Scythe of Sylvanas is pleased to be speaking to you all on the tenants of the Forgotten Shadow, this evening. Bear in mind we are offering only our interpretations of the various tenets.

We have many speakers and little time, so we ask that you be silent and respectful during the sermon. After we are finished speaking, the speakers will break off and you may come to us with your questions. Please do not call them out during the sermon.

First we have Sister Bileheart, speaking on tenacity. I look forward to your words.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Story of Lyesa: Part One

This entry is dedicated to two important members of my guild, Strovia and Nothing, who are not feeling well and trying hard to get better. Get well soon guys.

“Uh... E-e-excuse me, Miss L-L-Lyesa?” The worker asked tentatively, pulling his cap off his head and using it to wipe the sweat beading on his forehead. He shifted uncomfortably, praying to the Light that his boss was in a good mood today. She was currently hunched over her desk clutching a fistful of bills in one hand and a clump of her thin, dirty blonde hair with the other. The severity of Lyesa's frown and the way she tightly gripped at the hair on her skull gave him the distinct impression that she was not in a good spirits at all.

“Crushed velvet for the carriage seats!” She screamed suddenly, throwing the receipts against her desk angrily as she kicked her chair back. She levelled a glare at the poor worker; a glare that could have set peacebloom on fire.

Another interruption! Lyesa thought as she dug her nails into the surface of her desk to keep from screaming again.

“C-crushed velvet, M-miss?” He stuttered in response, taking an involuntary step backwards towards the door he had entered through.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Forsaken Roleplaying Pitfalls III: The Kid

Unlike my previous entries on the Forlorn Spirit and Too Crazy Tom, the big problem with The Kid isn't that he fits awkwardly into Forsaken roleplay, or isn't true to the themes of it. Actually, The Kid is unlikely to exist. But more on that later.

The Kid

As the name suggests, The Kid is someone roleplaying a Forsaken child. The Kid tries to stay true to the themes of the Forsaken by building his character around a creepy 'children of the corn' archetype. He does this by having his character suck on lollipops made from bones, by metagaming to have them appear clairvoyant, or by constantly making innocent yet eerie observations. Sometimes The Kid will even speak in third person about their time alive or the people they killed.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Book that I write in: Arathi Basin

Book that I write in,

Some time ago - before The Shattering, but after the fall of the Lich King - I found myself in the Arathi Highlands. I had not intended to travel there; in fact, my benefactor in unlife, an Ebon Knight named Vaalis, had suggested I go to Tarren Mill and lend my dagger to the Forsaken I found there. But a distracted mind lead to a wrong turn and before I knew it I was in Hammerfall instead, though I didn't know that's where I was at the time.

I stared at the broken buildings and the Orcs that inhabited them as I wandered around the small Horde settlement looking confused and out of place. After shambling up a set of wooden stairs I passed through a gate in the settlement's pike fence and, for a moment, remembered what relief felt like, for I had come across a gathering of Forsaken. All of them wore fearsome looking tabards with an angry skull on them. I crept closer, my gaze all but fixed on one Forsaken woman seated atop a Dreadsteed. Her mass of hair stood up like a pillar, making her even more imposing. She hadn't batted an eyelid since I laid eye sockets on her, but the very force of her presence was enough to tell me she was overseeing what the Forsaken were doing here.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Forsaken Roleplay Pitfalls II: Too Crazy Tom

This is the second of three three entries I'm doing on common Forsaken roleplaying pitfalls. You can find the first one, the Forlorn Spirit, here.

Too Crazy Tom

 All the races in World of Warcraft have compelling cases for mental issues and insanity. Azeroth is a world in constant turmoil and the effects of its wars influence each race deeply. Adding to your character by giving them something like post traumatic stress disorder, depression, or substance abuse can deepen and add more realism to your roleplay. Though for Forsaken, your substance abuse choices are limited (fel magic) unless you're going with the placebo effect.

Forsaken can easily make a strong case for being crazy. Dying and being risen again may cause some of them to believe they have transcended or mastered death, particularly Forsaken Death Knights, who've done it twice. Forsaken that served the Scourge during the Third War and remember their time as ghouls vividly could easily suffer side effects. I remember an appliciatant to my guild that had a character who had become trapped in a grain silo as a ghoul (he was raised by an armature Necromancer) and remained in it for months after he had regained his sentient thought and free will while the Lich King was weakened. That's going to make you a little nuts.