Monday, January 31, 2011

My First Shadow Sermon

I've been in a massive creative drought lately, so as much as I would like to post original content hot off the press, I'm stuck with digging up something old of mine and posting it.

After the break is the log of the first public Forsaken only event I ever hosted. It was Shadow sermon and I consider it to have been very successful. We had some great speakers (some of which regretfully aren't around anymore) and everyone who came was very respectful. We wound up with a crowd of about thirty deaders, and they gave us some beautiful reactions, however I've had to cut them out to keep the size of the log reasonable.

[My character] Darila: Greetings, brothers and sisters of the Forsaken. The Scythe of Sylvanas is pleased to be speaking to you all on the tenants of the Forgotten Shadow, this evening. Bear in mind we are offering only our interpretations of the various tenets.

We have many speakers and little time, so we ask that you be silent and respectful during the sermon. After we are finished speaking, the speakers will break off and you may come to us with your questions. Please do not call them out during the sermon.

First we have Sister Bileheart, speaking on tenacity. I look forward to your words.

Bileheart: Tenacity is best known to the Forsaken race. Since we've risen from our.." final " resting place. Our first time dead was not enough, because we as a people are extremely tough. Your bones and muscles and organs are strewn and mangled. Pain is but a dream, and beauty a contrived mental tangle.

The light and shadow are both equal in my eye. The balance and preservation of both in your life is what I'd like you to try. Too much of one and the other comes undone, and that's no fun. If your power in shadow overtakes you, you are but a fiend...and not a creature of virtue. And if you wash yourself in holy light, well when the darkness calls you cannot put up a good fight.

Magic is dangerous, and this you should know. Don't be a gaggle of morons and stupid hoes. Do not be torn asunder by your arrogance as you train in these arts. Though resilient as we are, you must muster all your rotting parts. Your body and mind must be fortresses...impregnable and strong. So when you stretch your magic potential, you will do no wrong.

 ...A word of warning for you...newly risen. Shed no more tears. They will build you your own prison. Strength and honor, like our Orcish...friends...of these you'll train, and your skills they will mend. ...Mend... ...Mend... Mmmm... Mends. AH-Ha... Mends. Yes.

Darila: Our next speaker needs no introduction, a powerful priestess of the Forgotten Shadow and decorated war hero. First Sergeant, thank-you for asking:, Darila.

I am going to speak to you tonight about the third virtue of the Forgotten Shadow: Power. I find it to be highly under rated. Power is the ultimate prize for a follower of the cult, but it's acquisition can be your downfall if you are not careful.

Too much power too soon can destroy a Forsaken. Without discipline and tenacity, it is useless. It requires balance, cunning and intelligence to have. Simply put: It is a fickle bitch. But a bitch worth having. It is also a motivator, without the goals power provides we might as well be still in our graves, or mindless scourge. Craving nothing makes you worth less than the grave dirt we crawled out from.

The quest for power is a test of self. Remember this in your own personal quests for power. The shadow is an enabler, but it will only take you so far. It is the very force that animates us, the stronger half of the Light and demands your respect! Power is our very connection to the universe; as our world is a manifestation of wills stronger than ours. Power is what allows us to greater impose our will on the universe and bend it to our liking.

Father Willy will be speaking next, who will be telling us about an optional, and less spoken about tenet: Death. Our speaker for compassion, Reverend Gottleib regrettably couldn't make it. I believe he fell out of his wheelchair, so tragic.

Williase: We speak of death so casually, yes?...but what do we really know of it... When we lived, it meant only passing onto the next world.

For the Forsaken, means so much more. We have all transcended Death, and you prove it by sitting here now. But we must not be so carefree in our second chance. To bring death to others in the name of the Dark Lady is always gratifying but you must take care. Were you to waste your time and strength on weaklings undeserving of you...

Terrible things may arise. Your stamina drained, you've no ability to take on a worthy challenge when it arises. Whether it be in defense of our lands, or in vengeance. But do not let the thought of that stay your blades or spells, as you will surely attract a reputation of weakness by showing mercy when none is needed. Simply put...choose wisely who you slay. It may bring about a greater foe who could defeat you.

Keep this tenet in mind, brothers and sisters. Shadow protect and Dark Lady watch over you.