Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Genavie's Theme Song

I was given a theme song for Genavie as a Christmas gift this year by my good friend Taylor Goodson. He's previously been featured on WoW Insider for his Warcraft music, so I'm totally blown away by his generosity. I'm a bit of a music noob so I don't have anything interesting to say about it other than I love it; fortunately Taylor is a lot more articulate than I. Read what he had to say about the piece after the break.

Taylor: Not much to say (other than boring music garbage) other than it is based on an excerpt of a journal entry of Traegus's. [Note: A character in the Scythe, Genavie's unit and guild in-character.]  The piece itself is titled "Genavie Bayle: Defiler, Leader, & Friend" due to the contents of Traegus's journal entry.  It reads:

"...Although, each Forsaken is completely individual - some remember their lives, deaths, family, friends; others are like myself, recalling nothing from the days of weakness.  In discussing individual traits, a few of the members of the Scythe come to mind as well: Genavie, Azgrimm, Darila, Ansirem (to name just a few); they all are clearly their own.  Genavie, for example, is one of the most interesting I have encountered.  She has recently been noted as a Defiler as her prowess on the field of battle is most impressive (as I can personally attest - we spent much time in the Basin in each other's company), and yet she is approachable and kind to the members of the unit.  She loves toying with the living (as most of us do), especially in the field of eating.  She does it all, really: cooks for the living (and watches them eat - something I find repulsive), reads books about ancient human military strategy, organizes events, helps out the RAS, helps lead the troops of the Scythe, keeps people in line, drives like a kobold who lost his candle, is an established engineer, is first to offer aide to the members, and is a great friend and colleague of myself, an exemplary fellow officer whom I aspire to be like in my own rights in due time.  Clearly, Genavie is a striking example of Forsaken individuality, perhaps the best example I can think of.  However, there are other striking examples I have come across..."
The music is clearly divided in two sections: the first section depicts the character of Genavie we have come to know and love: the interesting engineer, driving around on her hog, interacts with other members of the Forsaken (and the Horde as well), watching the living eat her unique cuisine and indulging in exquisite conversation with the other members of the Scythe.  A quick summary of the first part: cool and collected, but still a little crazy.  This section ends with a mysterious sounding chord from the piano, at which point we are introduced to the other side of Genavie.  A devoted Defiler, slayer of Alliance within the Basin, Ms. Bayle is no stranger to the art of war.  Her aptitude with a blade is ever present as those who have fought by her side can attest.  The large goal of the piece is to show both sides of Genavie: the side we see trumping around Brill and the Undercity, and the hell-bent-on-slaying-her-enemies-in-the-name-of-Sylvanas side.

As a side note, the second section of this piece can be heard referenced to in my other work "Scythe of Sylvanas 2," as clearly Genavie is a huge part of the Scythe of Sylvanas and deserves recognition wherever she can get it.


  1. I love the little piece! That's so awesome Gen! When I read the description about the first half and thought of Genavie driving that (deathtrap) mechanohog...

    ohgod, she can't even see over the handle bars.

  2. Genvere, that's exactly what I thought when I heard it the first time. x)
