Friday, April 1, 2011

My Forsaken Guild Disbands

I try not to make posts that are too emotional on my blog, but I can say without shame that I cried when my guild disbanded last night. We will be picking up the pieces and starting with a new theme and a new guild, below is a copy of the post I made to my realm forums with all the details.

Leading the Scythe has been the most fun I've ever had in this game since I created my account in December of 2004, but we've reached our end, and it was an amazing run. The guild has been slowly cannibalizing itself from the inside out with internal drama and conflicts for weeks now. The last nail in the coffin was our differing views on the lack of chairs in Brill, and how to go about fixing it. Some of us wanted to bring in new chairs, some of us wanted to move on to somewhere with more chair opportunities, and more of us wanted to make our own chairs from leftover abomination flesh and tiger blood.

Myself and my officers will be taking the day to distribute materials from the guild bank, back up the art and stories on our website, and notify our guild founder via e-mail. Those of us that have remained with the Scythe after this implosion will be reforming a new roleplaying guild with a different focus.
Please welcome <Slice of Sylvanas>

In an effort to breathe new creative life into this server and show the wymrest populace more ways to play outside the box, we will be roleplaying our characters as delicious sandwiches. Those of us that have remained with the Scythe think this is a great way to expand our roots and really develop ourselves as writers, since we're going to be giving thought and life to inanimate, eatable objects.

We feel that sandwiches are a perfect place to start as they have a lot in common with Forsaken. For example, a French-style sandwich is going to contemplate what the tomato slices on him were like when they were fresh and ripe on the vine, thriving with life and other delicious things. Like we mentioned previously, you're giving life to something that's dead with your characterization. It also compliments the stationary nature of roleplay very well, since we'll basically be able to sit around on counter tops and show other people the characters we've worked so hard to create.

We're setting the standard for sandwich roleplay, and in the spirit of education we're going to share some of our stories and a few guidelines when making your first sandwich:

  • No dijon mustard. This is far to 'special snowflake', as no one even orders this stuff in real life. It's rare and uncommon, and applying it to your character is in poor form.
  • Wonderbread is very Marry Sueish. This is the sandwich equivalent of rolling a beautiful character that is everyone's childhood friend.
  • Open face sandwiches often invite less savory kinds of roleplay. Don't be surprised, and if you don't like it then cover up with another slice of bread. This is common sense.
  • Attempting to eat one of us without permission is godmoding. And not appreciated under any circumstances.
  • You're not on a full 12" baguette. That's reserved for lore characters only.
  • Please bear in mind that all sandwiches eventually go bad, and no amount of chemical-food spray can stop this. You're a real life sandwich, not something fake from an ad.
  • We do not accept peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches either, I'm sick of seeing Blood Elves running around claiming to be half jelly half peanut-Butter.
  • Sandwiches are best enjoyed on the counter top. For quality roleplay, one should never be placed in the wash area, the prep station, or taken to the restroom.
  • We must remind you that we are a sandwich only guild and will not accept other types of hand-held food items such as tacos, calzones, or burgers. Ice-cream sandwiches are not sandwiches and are in fact desserts.
Some of my members submitted sandwich backstories for the thread. They did it on short notice and came out with some awesome results, so I'm going to post a few of my favorites here. 

From Rasmorden, one of our Death Knights:
Rasmorden is a roast beef pita with spoiled mayonnaise and blushed icy oak lettuce. He first was prepared as a normal sandwich with two slices of bread for the vendors of the Undercity but was purchased by a traveler who brought Rasmorden to the Easter Plaguelands where he fell to the Scourge. The Roast Beef sandwich was taken to the Ebon Hold to be reforged in the Lich King's name. Rasmorden was twisted into a horrid abomination replacing his original pumpernickel bread with a pita wrap. The Lich King then cast aside the Ebon Pita having no real need for wraps in the Scourge. Rasmorden now struggles to be accepted back into the Slice of Sylvanas who regard him as a traitor for being specially prepared for the Lich King.
From Nothing, one of our Warlocks:
A sandwich of Nothing. 
Alone, dark and hidden away in the deli store room, this is where you find a sandwich, a sandwich that is Nothing. The bread is wheat with a tainted whole grain coating. The Nothing is a country ham sandwich who’s salty disposition along with his Colby cheese layering rarely gets him noticed. Onions, lettuce, tomato and pickles are stacked upon him. Within Nothing is a thick layer of mayonnaise that has been sitting out in the sun, this enabling Nothing to afflict anyone whom may look to him as a tasty snack. He is a master of summoning chips or cookies to his aide thus luring in his victims like fish.

There's a lot more on our thread on the realm forums, but if you're not interested you may want to have a look just for the rap battle that's been brewing.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE sandwhices! But I HATE pita wraps.
