Thursday, November 25, 2010

Out of Character Event

To celebrate our last day in Azeroth before it was changed forever I led and planed an event for my super serious heavy roleplay guild that was entirely out of character. I know dedicating a night to specifically not roleplaying in an roleplay guild sounds ridiculous; but I wanted to do something really flashy and out of the ordinary which has two problems if attempted in character:
  1. The Forsaken aren't really outrageous and flashy.
  2. Our characters didn't know shattering was happening tomorrow, so the justification for doing something out of the ordinary just wasn't there. I mean, yeah, we could have had a normal event like a training drill or something, but that's hardly memorable on the scale that I was looking for.
So I bit the bullet and scheduled our first and last entirely out of character event, and in the end I'm glad I did it. I kept the details entirely secret and told my members only to meet at the Undercity bank at seven server time with some empty bag space.

The preparation was more than I thought it would be when I was initially planning the event. I needed a few stacks of purple and green smoke flares, firework and cluster launchers, fireworks and clusters to throw at them, about sixty steam tonk controllers with half of them going to my Alliance alt, and thirty crashin thrashin robots. An hour before the event started things were a little hectic as my helpers and I scrambled to move the steam tonks to the blue team and get the goblin rocket fuel made, but we pulled though. I would have been buried if my guildies hadn't offered to help. In the end our raw materials were approximately:
  • Two hundred bars of mithril.
  • Four hundred fel iron ore.
  • Thirty gold bars.
  • Two hundred and forty adamantite ore.
  • Netherweave, goblin rocket fuel, blasting powder, ect for flares and fireworks.
    Next time I'm going to make an exact list of needed raw materials beforehand, and farm it quietly weeks in advance rather than pulling in help three days beforehand and flying by the seat of my pants.

    The twenty-five members that showed up lined up at the bank and I gave them all a ogre suit, a crashin thrashin robot (gift wrapped) and a steam tonk controller. I told them the suits for later and they weren't allowed to open their gifts, then we ran off to the Gallows End Inn in Brill to take the group picture posted above.

    After that we ran to Stormwind and set up Forsaken banners, flares, and fireworks just outside the range of the guards, across from where the Pilgrim's Bounty tables were set up. I switched to my Alliance alt and called out in general that the Scythe of Sylvanas had come to visit, where to find them, and mentioned they had gifts. Me and my assistant then handed out steam tonk controllers to the Alliance and they had a epic battle! I called out on vent for people to open their wrapped crashin thrashin robots and they dropped them all at the same time; I've never seen that many duke it out before. Even though we weren't in character, the sound of Gnomes dieing simultaneously was very enjoyable.

    ...And as awesome as all that sounds no one took a single screen cap. I'm serious, I need a guild photographer because we always get so wrapped up in the events we can't hit our printscreen button even once. Afterwards I logged onto my Forsaken and we used our Orge suits. Then we charged Stormwind, making a dash for the Pig and Whistle Tavern, a well known Alliance roleplay hub.

    Only about five of us made it to the end, I was the first due to my incredible skills as a Rogue. (Read: I stealthed and then walked to the Tavren on the bodies of my fallen guildmates.) I popped my orb of deception, trying to blend in with the crowd, but to no avail.

    I love the guy in the corner there who looks like he's cheering me on. (I'm the Night Elf.) Afterwards we resurrected at the spirit healer and high fived each other. It was totally worth all the planning.


    1. Now I'm really sad I couldn't go~!

    2. Ahh man, I'm super bummed I couldn't make it either. Sounds like it was awesome!
